64th Annual Tournament of Champions
Saturday September 28th, 2024
Open Division & Seniors - Player Commitments
84 of 88 Spots Claimed - 5 on waiting list
Category 1 - The Top 46 Players in the current year CVGA Open Division Standings, that have participated in a minimum of 2 events
Eric Anderson
Jim Anderson (pd)
Randy Antonich (pd)
Sean Barrett (pd)
Ralph Baxley (pd)
Matthew Chandler
Doug Gamroth (pd)
Markus Iwerbo
Greg Jamieson
Mark Kamish
Matt Kamish (pd)
Nick Kulig
Josh Malnory
Nico Maurelli
Aiden McCauley
Travis Meyer (pd)
Noah Rasinski (pd)
DJ Severson
Trey Sheehan (pd)
George Smith (pd)
John Sorensen
Jim Thies
Bennett Thomas
Ryan Vivoda (pd)
Category 2 - The Top 5 Players in the current year Senior Standings for each category
David Bakken (pd)
Ric Gannon (pd)
Keith Kitchens (pd)
Steve Kindermann (pd)
Rick Larson (pd)
Shane Lucking (pd)
Allen Myer (pd)
Steve Mewhorter (pd)
Steve Neumann (pd)
Bill Phillips (pd)
John Severson (pd)
Archie Sherbinow (pd)
Brian Spangberg (pd)
Bruce Vandeberg (pd)
Brian Verbracken (pd)
John Weiss (pd)
Sean Wicklander (pd)
Greg Solfest (pd)
Mike Mai (pd)
Jim Mai (pd)
Dean Erickson (pd)
Seniors allocated spots waiting entry forms & payment
Brian Arnetveit
Sean Conway
John Gettler
John Yule
Andrew (Drew) Sherwin
Jerry Tabaka
Category 3 - The Open Division and Senior Division Chairman if not otherwise qualified
Dave Shlageter (pd)
Category 4 - Any other player on the Open Division points list outside the top 46 with a minimum of 2 events played in the current season
Mike Anderson (pd)
Sawyer Bailey (pd)
Isaiah Bauer (pd)
Andy Belden
Leif Carlson
Justus Christianson
Kevin Culligan
Carter Grill
Adam Hill (pd)
Jeremiah Johnson
Scott Mathison (pd)
David McCook (pd)
Joel Messick (pd)
Don Palodichuk (pd)
Gavin Polzer (pd)
Rich Wohlbier (pd)
Ben Weber (pd)
Category 5 - Past Champions not otherwise qualified
Mark Barstad (pd)
Greg Dick
Greg Murphy
Category 6 - Any other player on the Open Division Points List with at least 1 event played in the current season
Isaac Annis (pd)
Jack Berry
Josh Denk (pd)
Jeff Galowitz
Kole Hallmark
Brad Houghton
William Leaf (pd)
Jarod Leslie (pd)
Derick LaBlonde
Grant Nelson (pd)
Keith Piotrowski (pd)
Troy Shea
Thomas Storbeck (pd)
Mark Sippel
Entries received for non-priority list players - First on the waiting list
1. Yarri Brynn